You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write at least 250 words about the following topic:

Some people argue that the primary purpose of education is to prepare individuals for employment. Others believe it should have a broader purpose of personal and intellectual development. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample Answer, C1 English Level, Advanced, Band Score 6.5-7.5


    1. Introduction:
      • Paraphrase: The purpose of education is a topic of debate, with differing views on whether it should primarily prepare individuals for employment or have a broader focus on personal and intellectual development.
      • Main Opinion/Idea: This essay will discuss both perspectives and provide my own opinion on the matter.
    2. Body (Detail 1):
      • Supporting sentence: Some argue that education’s main purpose is employment preparation, ensuring that students acquire the skills and knowledge needed to enter the workforce successfully.
    3. Body (Detail 2):
      • Supporting sentence: On the other hand, others advocate for a broader purpose of education that emphasizes personal growth, critical thinking, and lifelong learning.
    4. Conclusion:
      • Summarize: Education serves multiple roles, with some emphasizing its role in preparing individuals for employment and others valuing its broader impact on personal and intellectual development.
      • Restate Main Opinion/Idea: A balanced perspective recognizes the importance of both aspects, with education equipping students for the job market while empowering them to be engaged and well-rounded members of society.


The purpose of education is a subject of debate, with some advocating for its primary focus on preparing individuals for employment, while others emphasize a broader purpose of personal and intellectual development. In this essay, both views will be examined, drawing on personal experiences and knowledge, followed by my own opinion on the matter.

On one hand, those who argue that the primary purpose of education is employment preparation believe that the educational system should equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to enter the workforce and contribute to the economy. This view stems from the practicality of ensuring that students are job-ready upon completing their education, reducing unemployment rates, and fostering economic growth.

On the other hand, proponents of a broader purpose of education assert that its significance extends beyond employment preparation. Education should cultivate critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities, enabling individuals to become well-rounded and engaged members of society. This approach emphasizes personal growth, intellectual curiosity, and a lifelong passion for learning, which contribute to the overall development of individuals and society.

In my view, while employment preparation is undeniably crucial, education should have a more comprehensive purpose. A holistic approach to education, encompassing personal and intellectual development, nurtures individuals’ talents and potential, promoting a deeper understanding of the world and encouraging empathy and social responsibility. Such an education system not only prepares students for employment but also empowers them to face challenges, adapt to a rapidly changing world, and become active participants in shaping a better future for themselves and others.

In conclusion, the purpose of education is multifaceted, with some advocating for its primary focus on employment preparation and others supporting a broader approach of personal and intellectual development. A balanced view recognizes the significance of both aspects, acknowledging that education should equip individuals with skills for the workforce while fostering personal growth and a lifelong love for learning. Striking this balance ensures that education not only meets the needs of the job market but also enriches the lives of individuals and society as a whole.


Education’s purpose has been a subject of contention, with some asserting that its main objective is to prepare individuals for employment, while others advocate for a broader focus on personal and intellectual development. In this essay, I will explore both perspectives based on my experience and knowledge, and subsequently present my opinion on this matter.

On one side of the argument, proponents of employment-focused education assert that the primary goal of education is to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to enter the job market successfully. This view is grounded in the practicality of ensuring that students are prepared for the workforce, reducing unemployment rates, and fostering economic growth.

Conversely, supporters of a broader purpose of education emphasize the importance of nurturing personal growth, critical thinking, and creativity. Education should instill a lifelong passion for learning and equip individuals with skills that extend beyond the job market. This approach values education as a means of developing well-rounded and engaged members of society.

In my opinion, education should encompass both aspects. While preparing individuals for employment is undeniably crucial in today’s competitive job market, education should not be limited solely to job-related skills. A holistic education system should encourage personal and intellectual growth, fostering curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. By combining these two approaches, education can better serve individuals and society.

In conclusion, the purpose of education is a complex and multifaceted concept, with some advocating for its primary focus on employment preparation and others valuing its broader impact on personal and intellectual development. Striking a balance between the two views is essential to ensure that education not only prepares individuals for the job market but also equips them to be active and informed members of society. By achieving this balance, education can truly empower individuals to thrive in their careers and contribute meaningfully to the world around them.


The purpose of education is a subject of debate, with some advocating for its primary focus on preparing individuals for employment, while others emphasize a broader purpose of personal and intellectual development. Both views warrant consideration, and in this essay, I will explore each perspective based on my experience and knowledge, concluding with my own opinion on the matter.

On one hand, those who argue for an employment-focused education believe that its primary goal should be to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge for the job market. This approach is rooted in the practicality of ensuring graduates are job-ready, reducing unemployment rates, and contributing to economic growth.

On the other hand, proponents of a broader purpose of education assert that it should foster personal and intellectual growth. Education should inspire critical thinking, creativity, and a love for learning, extending beyond mere employment prospects. This approach values education as a means of developing well-rounded and engaged individuals who can contribute meaningfully to society.

In my opinion, both aspects are essential components of education. Preparing individuals for employment is undeniably crucial, especially in a competitive job market. However, a well-rounded education should also encompass personal and intellectual development, empowering individuals to become informed, adaptable, and thoughtful members of society.

In conclusion, the purpose of education is multifaceted, with some advocating for its primary focus on employment preparation and others valuing its broader impact on personal and intellectual development. Striking a balance between the two views is vital, ensuring that education not only prepares individuals for the job market but also cultivates lifelong learners who can make a positive impact in the world. By embracing both perspectives, education can effectively equip individuals for their careers while enriching their lives with knowledge and wisdom.