IELTS Cue Card Speaking Part 2 with Sample Answer:

Describe a happy event of your life.

You should say:

      • what it was
      • when it happened
      • where it happened

and explain why it was a happy event.

Sample Answer, C1 English Level, Advanced, Band Score 6.5-7.5

One of the happiest events in my life was my graduation from university. It happened a few years ago when I completed my bachelor’s degree. The graduation ceremony took place on a sunny day in the month of June. It was held in a large auditorium on campus, where many graduates and their families were gathered.

The ceremony was very special to me because it marked the completion of a long and challenging journey. Studying at university was a significant milestone in my life, and I had worked hard to achieve my degree. I had spent countless hours studying, researching, and writing papers, and had faced many obstacles along the way. So, to finally reach the end of this journey was a great achievement, and I felt a great sense of pride and accomplishment.

Furthermore, the graduation ceremony was a very joyful occasion. Seeing my fellow graduates and their families all gathered together was a wonderful experience. We all wore our graduation gowns and caps, and there was a palpable sense of excitement and anticipation in the air. As we walked across the stage to receive our diplomas, I felt a sense of elation and happiness that I will always remember.

Overall, my graduation from university was a happy event that I will always cherish. It was a culmination of many years of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice, and it marked a significant achievement in my life. The ceremony was a moment of joy and celebration, shared with many people who had supported me along the way, and it will always hold a special place in my heart.

One of the most positive changes in my life was when I started doing daily exercises about five years ago. At that time, I was in my mid-twenties, and I had a job where I had to sit on a chair for a long time, which made me feel tired and lazy. So, I decided to change my routine to enhance my physical and mental health.

It was not an easy decision for me because I had never been interested in sports or exercise, and I thought it would be hard for me to start exercising. However, I started small with a few minutes of stretching and light exercises every day, and I gradually increased the duration and intensity of my workout over time.

This positive change has had a significant impact on my life. Physically, I feel much healthier and stronger than before, and I have more energy throughout the day. Also, I can focus and concentrate better on my work. Mentally, I feel more confident and able to handle stress and difficult situations better.

This change has also affected other areas of my life positively. I have become interested in healthy eating, and I have changed my diet to improve my health. I have also become more social and outgoing as I have met new people through fitness classes and activities.

In conclusion, starting a daily exercise routine was one of the most beneficial changes that I have made in my life. It has helped me to feel happier, healthier, and more satisfied, and I appreciate the positive impact it has had on my life every day.

One transformation that significantly impacted my life was my choice to adopt a daily exercise regimen. This alteration occurred roughly five years ago, during my mid-twenties while working a stationary office job. I was frequently feeling sluggish and drained, prompting me to recognize that I needed to make some modifications to improve my physical and mental health.

Embarking on an exercise program wasn’t a simple decision for me. I had never been athletic nor drawn to sports and felt apprehensive about going to a gym or attending fitness classes. Nevertheless, I commenced with small strides, only practicing a few minutes of stretching and light cardio each day, and gradually increased the intensity and length of my workouts over time.

The benefits of this affirmative shift in my life have been deep-rooted. Physically, I feel much more robust and healthier than before I commenced exercising regularly. I have higher energy levels throughout the day, making it easier for me to concentrate and focus on work. Mentally, I feel more confident and resilient, making me better equipped to handle stressful and difficult situations.

Furthermore, this change has had a domino effect on other aspects of my life. I’ve become more intrigued by healthy eating and nutrition and have altered my diet, which has also positively impacted my well-being. I’ve also become more outgoing and social, meeting new people through fitness classes and other activities.

In conclusion, the decision to start a daily exercise routine is one of the best choices I’ve ever made for myself. It has made me feel happier, healthier, and more fulfilled, and I’m grateful every day for the affirmative impact it has had on my life.